Am I Pregnant?
- Kovavisarach, Ekachai; Lorthanawanich, Suppasak; Muangsamran, Pairat (2016): Presence of Sperm in Pre-Ejaculatory Fluid of Healthy Males, in J Med Assoc Thai., Bd. 99, Nr. 2, S. 38-41.
- Killick, Stephen R.; Leary, Christine; Trussell, James & Guthrie, Katherine A. (2011): Sperm content of pre-ejaculatory fluid, in: Human Fertility, Bd. 14, Nr. 1, S. 48-52.
- Patel, Jasmine MD; Nelson, Anita L. MD; Nguyen, Brian T. MD, MSc (2020): Is There Sperm in Pre-ejaculate? How to Study Pre-ejaculate to Determine Contraceptive Efficacy for Withdrawal . In Obstetrics & Gynecology, Bd.135(), S 97S-98S
Conception and Stages
Things to Consider
- ACOG: Indications for Ourpatient Antenatal Fetal Surveillance (10.16.2023)
- Medicaid: Care Management for High-Risk Pregnancies (10.16.2023)
- Weight, Fertility, and Pregnancy: OASH — Office on Women's Health (26.06.2023)
- Centers for Disease Control and Prevention: Gestational Diabetes (27.10.2023)
- Risikoschwangerschaft: Entwarnung für ältere Frauen mit Kinderwunsch (High-risk pregnancy: All-clear for older women who want children): Deutsches Ärzteblatt (04.01.2023)
- Mutterpass und Kinderuntersuchungsheft (Maternity Record and Prenatal Examinations): Gemeinsamer Bundesausschuss (04.01.2023)
- Merkblatt_Schwangerschaftsdiabetes (Information on Gestational Diabetes): Gemeinsamer Bundesausschuss (04.01.2022)
- About Chronic Diseases: Center for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) (02.11.2023)
- Chronic Disease: Australian Government (02.11.2023)
- Hashimoto's Disease: US Department of Health and Human Services (15.11.2023)
- Thyroid Disease and Pregnancy: National Institute of Diabetes, and Digestive and Kidney Diseases (15.11.2023)
- Breastfeeding and Thyroid Disease: British Thyroid Foundation (19.11.2023)
- Lupus Foundation of America: Planning a Pregnancy when You Have Lupus (19.11.2023)
- Rheumatoide Arthritis (Rheumatoid Arthritis): Charité Berlin (05.01.2023)
- Diabetes mellitus: Charité Berlin (05.01.2023)
- MS und Kinderwunsch - Das geht! (MS and Desiring to Start a Family — It Is Possible!): Roche Pharma AG (05.01.2023)
- Chronisch krank und dennoch schwanger (Chronically Ill and Pregnant Anyhow): IGPmagazin (05.01.2023)
Pregnancy & Work
When do I tell my boss I'm pregnant? C&G Baby Club (10/20/2022).
Pregnancy and work: women's rights and entitlements: Raising Children (Australia) (10/20/2022).
Maternity and parental leave: Alberta (10/22/2022).
Pregnancy and Parenting — Women: TradeCareers (10/20/2022).
Maternity Leave in New Zealand: FindLaw New Zealand (10/20/2022).
Jobs, benefits & flats – Parental Leave: Community Law (10/20/2022).
Work Advice: Your Rights as a Pregnant Worker: Soteria (10/20/2022).
"I'm expecting": The news one in four job seekers don't want to share: The New Daily (10/20/2022).
Pregnancy Discrimination FAQs: U.S. Equal Employment Opportunity Commission (10/20/2022).
Managing your employee's maternity leave and pay: ACAS (10/20/20220).
Recruitment — pregnancy and maternity: Equality Commission for Northern Ireland (10/20/2022).
Starting a New Job While Pregnant in Canada: About Staffing (10/20/2022).
Working during Pregnancy: Pregnancy Birth & Baby (10/20/2022).
The illegal interview questions employers can't ask you: Seek (10/20/2022).
- Small Companies and Pregnancy Discrimination: What You Can Do: Wenzel, Fenton Cabassa: (08.12.2022)
- Policy on Pregnancy and Human Rights in the Workplace: Canadian Human Rights Commission (08.12.2022)
- Your Pregnancy Rights in Canada: Babycenter (08.12.2022)
- Pregnant Employees Still Being Mistreated: Labour Guide South Africa (08.12.2022)
- Maternity Leave: My Wage South Africa (08.12.2022)
- Pregnancy and work: women’s rights and entitlements: Raising Children Australia (08.12.2022)
- Can You Dismiss and Employee on Maternity Leave? Lawpath (08.12.2022)
- Pregnant employee entitlements: Fair Work Ombudsman Australian Government (08.12.2022)
- A pregnant pause: Hesketh Henry (08.12.2022)
- Protecting your job during pregnancy or parental leave: Employment New Zealand (08.12.2022)
- Pregnancy and maternity discrimination: Citizens Advice (08.12.2022)
- Dismissal during pregnancy, or maternity, adoption or shared parental leave: Working Families (08.12.2022)
- Equality in the workplace: Citizens Information (08.12.2022)
- Maternity Leave: Citizens Information (08.12.2022)
- Unfair Dismissal: Citizens Information (08.12.2022)
- Terminating a Fixed Term Contract: Worknest (08.16.2022).
- Your rights when pregnant on probation or a fixed term contract: Working Families (08.16.2022).
- Ask the expert: Pregnant during a fixed term contract: HR Zone (08.16.2022).
- Get the Facts — Fact Sheet 4: Australian Human Rights Commission (08.15.2022).
- Fixed-Term Vs. Casual Contract Employment Arrangements: My Business (08.16.2022).
- Returning to Work from Parental Leave: Fair Work Ombudsman (08.16.2022).
- Parental Leave Pay: Australian Government (04.06.2023).
- Pregnant Woman Keeps Pregnancy Secret from Boss while Working from Home: (08.16.2022).
- A Guide to Maternity Leave in Australia 2022: bounty Parents (04.06.2023).
- Work requirements for Parental Leave Pay: Australian Government (04.06.2023).
- Meeting the income test: Australian Government (04.06.2023).
- Not renewing the contract of a pregnant employee: Canadian HRReporter (08.16.2022).
- EI maternity and parental benefits: Government of Canada (04.06.2023).
- Fixed-term Contracts: Bright HR (04.06.2023).
New Zealand
- Parental Leave: Ministry of Business, Innovation & Employment (08.16.2022).
- Parental leave eligibility: Employment New Zealand (04.06.2023).
- EI maternity and parental benefits: Government of Canada (04.06.2023).
- Check what you might get: Ministry Of Social Development (04.06.2023).
South Africa
- Wits Prof Researches Grants for Pregnant Students: The Wits Vuvuzela (18.03.2022)
- Study and Training Benefits and Allowances: Single Mum (04.03.2022)
- Having a baby while studying: Charles Sturt University (04.03.2022)
- Lectures and Lullabies – Can you study with a toddler in the house?: Victoria University (04.03.2022)
- Deferral of Examinations – A guide for students: NUI Galway (04.03.2022)
- Lynne Ruane – Being a parent and a student feels like an impossible feat: Irish Times (05.03.2022)
- Policy on Supports for Student Parents, Student Carers and Students Experiencing Pregnancy: Trinity College, Dublin (07.03.2022)
- Handbook for Students who experience Crisis Pregnancy and Expectant / Student Parents at Mary Immaculate College: Mary Immaculate College (07.03.2022)
- Maternity Leave: Citizens Information (04.03.2022)
- Supporting Student Parents in Higher Education: A Policy Analysis: University of Bedfordshire (25.02.2022)
- The Reality of Being Pregnant at University: Vice (25.02.2022)
- What to Expect when you’re expecting at university: The Guardian (01.03.2022)
- Scotland: Pregnant at Uni (04.03.2022)
- Student Pregnancy and Maternity Policy and Guidance: Open University (04.03.2022)
- Working when pregnant: NI Direct.Gov (04.04.2022)
- Students with Families: Ulster University (05.03.2022)
- Legal consequences of studying during maternity leave: Mum and Career (05.03.2022)
- A Profile of Undergraduate Student Parents in Canada: Research Gate (25.02.2022)
- A profile of undergraduate student parents in Canada: University of Guelph (02.03.2022)
- Deferral of examination or assignment: Carleton University (04.03.2022)
- Parents in College by the Numbers: Institute for Women’s Policy Research (25.02.2022)
- College Student Pregnancy Research Source: University of Oregon (25.02.2022)
- Pregnancy in College: Affordable Colleges (25.02.2022)
- Do They Kick Out Pregnant People? Navigating College with Kids: NPR (25.02.2022)
- How to pay for college: Frank (04.03.2022)
- 8 Things You May Not Have Realized About Student Parents: National University (23.09.2022)
- 7 Surprising Things You Didn’t Know About Being Pregnant in College: Voices for the Voiceless (23.09.2022)
Teenage Pregnancy
- Father’s Rights after Separation: Justice Family Lawyers (16.12.2021)
- Father’s Rights in Australia: How to get more time with your child post separation: Australian Family Lawyers (16.12.2021)
- What is a Parenting Order, Legal Services Commission South Australia (16.12.2021)
- Birth Certificates and Changing your Name: Citizens Advice Scotland (16.12.2021)
- Can a Father Put Himself on a Birth Certificate?: Kabir Family Law (16.12.2021)
- Declaration of Parentage: Direct Mediation Services (16.12.2021)
- How to Establish Paternity Rights: Cordell Family Law Solicitors (16.12.2021)
- Adding Father’s Name on Birth Certificate: The UK Rules (16.12.2021)
- Statutory Declaration of Acknowledgement of Parentage Form: Gov.UK (16.12.2021)
- Northern Ireland Form: Declaration of Acknowledgement of Paternity for the Registration of a Birth: NI Direct Government Services (16.12.2021)
- What happens if the father’s name is not on the birth certificate?: O Flaherty Law (16.12.2021)
- Acknowledgment and Declaration of Paternity in Saskatchewan: OAS (16.12.2021)
- South Africa, Right of Unmarried Natural Fathers to be Recognized on Birth Certificates: Mondaq (16.12.2021)
- Form: Application for the Insertion of the Natural Father’s Particulars on the Birth Register of Child: South African Missions in New York (16.12.2021)
- The Office of the Family Advocate: The DOJ&CD (16.12.2021)
- Amendments in ID Books and Birth Certificates, Department of Home Affairs (16.12.2021)
- Paternity and Declaration of Parentage: The Courts Service of Ireland (16.12.2021)
- How to Obtain a Declaration of Parentage: Family Law Ireland (16.12.2021)
- Legal Guardianship and Cohabiting Couples: Citizens Information (16.12.2021)
- Declaration of Paternity: Community Law (16.12.2021)
- Paternity: Birthright (16.12.2021)
- What would be the implications of not naming my baby’s father on the birth certificate, since we aren’t together: Citizens Advice Bureau, (16.12.2021)
Expecting Multiples
- What if I have twins / triplets: INMO Irish Nurses and Midwives Association (13.01.2023)
- Caring for Twins: Babycenter (13.01.2023)
- EI maternity and parental benefits, Special Circumstances: Government of Canada (13.01.2023)
- Government Assistance: Multiples NZ (26.12.2022)
- More leave for multiples?: Life & Style (26.12.2022)
- I'm expecting twins: will I get any extra benefits?: Babycentre (09.01.2023)
- Vanishing Twin Syndrome: National Library of Medicine (13.01.2023)
- What is Vanishing Twin Syndrome? Very Well Family (13.01.2023)
- Vanishing Twin Syndrome: Cleveland Clinic (13.01.2023)
Unintended Pregnancy
In a Difficult Situation
Pregnant Again
Pregnant Despite Contraception
For Men
How Does Abortion Work?
- Dilation and Evacuation (D&E): Kaiser Permanente (10/28/2022).
- Second-trimester pregnancy termination: Dilation and evacuation: UpToDate (10/28/2022).
- D&E Abortion Bans: The Implications of Banning the Most Common Second-Trimester Procedure: Guttmacher Institute (10.28.2022).
- How a D&E Differs from a D&C: Very Well Family (10/28/2022).
- D&E Procedure — The Safest Abortion Method for Second Trimester of Pregnancy: First Cry (10/28/2022).
- Dilation and Evacuation (D&E) for Abortion: HelloDox (10/28/2022).
- Second Trimester Laws Globally: Reproductive Health Matters (10/26/2022).
- Online abortion pill interest soars after the demise of Roe v. Wade: CNN Business (14.09.2022)
- State Restrictions on Telehealth Abortion: KFF (14.09.2022)
- Medication Abortion: Guttmacher Institute (14.09.2022)
- Telehealth abortion demand is soaring. But access may come down to where you live: NPR (14.09.2022)
- Mifeprex (mifepristone) Information: FDA (14.09.2022)
- Buying Prescription Medicines Online: FDA (14.09.2022)
- Medical Versus Surgical Abortion: UCLA (16.09.2022)
- Human Fertilization and Embryology Act 1990: (07.01.2022)
- The law and ethics of abortion: BMA (05.01.2022)
- Trends of Selective Fetal Reduction and Selective Termination in Multiple Pregnancy, in England and Wales: a Cross-Sectional Study: Springer Link (05.01.2022)
- IVF in Africa, what is it at all about? PMC — US Library of Medicine (05.01.2022)
- The baby machine: Science gone crazy: New Zealand Herald (05.01.2024)
- Fetal reduction — Mechanical vs Chemical: Clinical (05.06.2022)
- Infertility Treatment — When will free IVF be introduced in Ireland?: The Irish Times (05.01.2022)
- Difficult Decisions: When Selective Reduction is on the Table: Twinfo (10.01.2022)
- TTS Grief Support Group: Facebook (05.01.2022)
- Support from Those Who Know: Australian Multiple Birth Association (06.01.2022)
- Multiple Birth Products and Services: Twinfo (06.01.2024)
- Supporting Families with Twin Babies or More: The University of Melbourne (06.01.2022)
- Parents of Multiples: Multiple Births Canada (06.01.2022)
- Support & Information for Families of Multiples in Ireland: Irish Multiple Births Association IMBA (06.01.2024)
- Child Benefit for Parents of Multiples: Citizens Information (06.01.2022)
- Supporting New Parents of Multiples: Twins Trust (06.01.2022)
- Expecting or Raising Multiples?: Multiples NZ (06.01.2022)
- Government Assistance: Multiples NZ (06.01.2022)
- Support Available to Parents of Multiples: Care for Kids (06.01.2022)
- Multiple Birth Association: Kiwi Families (06.01.2022)
- South African Multiple Birth Association: Jozikids (06.01.2022)
- South African Multiple Birth Association: SAMBA (06.01.2022)
- Need Support?: Twins Trust (06.01.2024)
- What Sort of Free Help is Available?: Multiple Births (06.01.2022)
- Sure Start Maternity Grant: Gov.UK (06.01.2022)
- Twins, Triplets and Multiple Children: Home Start (06.01.2022)
- Expecting Multiples: Multiples of America (06.01.2022)
- Government Grants for Moms Having Twins: Sapling (06.01.2022)
- Twin Parent Resources: Twiniversity (06.05.2022)
- Selective reduction of fetuses in multiple pregnancies and the law in Australia: PubMed (05.01.2022)
- Selective reduction of fetuses in multiple pregnancies and the law in Australia: Griffith University (25.01.2024)
- Mount Sinai Hospital's refusal to eliminate one fetus from twin pregnancy triggers human rights battle: National Post (05.01.2022)
- What is multifetal pregnancy reduction?: My Health (05.06.2022)
- The Baby Machine Gone Crazy: New Zealand Herald (05.01.2022)
- IVF in Africa, what is it at all about?: PMC – US Library of Medicine (05.01.2022)
- What Is Twin to Twin Transfusion Syndrome: Childrens’ Minnesota (19.01.2022)
- Case Report. Palliative Geburt statt Fetozid (Palliative Birth instead of Feticide): DocCheck (18.01.2023)
- Spätinterruptio und Fetozid – das Kieler Modell, Juristische und gynäkologische Überlegungen (Late Abortion and Feticide — The Kiel Model, Legal and Gynecological Considerations): Deutsches Ärzteblatt (German Medical Journal)(18.01.2023)
- Kinder für Kinder opfern. Fataler Fetozid: Um die Chancen der Geschwister zu erhöhen, töten Ärzte bei Mehrlingsschwangerschaften gesunde Embryonen (Sacrificing Children for Children. Fatal feticide: Doctors Kill Healthy Embryos in Multiple Pregnancies to Increase the Chances of Siblings’ Survival): Focus Online (11.04.2023)
- Induced abortion: Top Doctors United Kingdom (10/31/2022).
- What are the different types of abortion? Medical News Today (10/31/2022).
- Second-trimester pregnancy termination: Induction (medication) abortion: UpToDate (10/31/2022).
- Surgical and medical second-trimester abortion in South Africa: A cross-sectional study: BMC Health Services Research (10/31/2022).
Abortion Laws
- Worldwide Abortion Statistics, Abort73, (22.12.2021)
- Terminate Pregnancy, South African Government, (22.12.2021) (South Africa)
- Performing Second and Third Trimester Abortions: A South African Obstetrician and Gynecologist’s Experience and Perspective, Later Abortion Initiative, 22.12.2021) (South Africa)
- World Abortion Policies 2013, United Nations, Department of Economic and Social Affairs, (22.12.2021) (UN States)
- What are the UK’s Laws on Abortion? BBC, (22.12.2021) (BBC for GB)
- Offences Against the Person Act 1861,, (22.12.2021) (GB)
- Thailand Legalizes Ealy Abortions; Pro Choice Groups Want More, Aljazeera, (22.12.2021) (Thailand)
- Thailand Legalizes Abortion in 1st Trimester, but Keeps Other Restrictions, NY Times, (22.12.2021) (Thailand)
- Thailand: Abortion in First Trimester Legalized, Library of Congress, (22.12.2021)
- Information on Abortion, Ministry of Health (Manatu Hauora), (22.12.2021)
- Crimes Act 1961, Abortion procured by person other than health practitioner, New Zealand Legislation, (22.12.2021) (New Zealand)
- History of Abortion in Ireland, IFPA, (22.12.2021)
- Legal and Non-Legal Barriers to Abortion in Ireland and the United Kingdom, Sage Journals, (22.12.2021)
- Health (Regulation of Termination of Pregnancy) Act 2019, e/ISB - Office of the Attorney General, (22.12.2021) (Republic of Ireland)
- Netherlands: New Regulations on Late-Term Abortions and Terminations of Lives of Neonates, Library of Congress, (22.12.2021)
- European Committee on Crime Problems, Council of Europe, (22.12.2021) (Netherlands)
- Today’s Letter: Late-Trimester Abortions are Not Happening in Canada Without a ‘Reason’, National Post, (22.12.2021) (Canada)
- Mexico’s Supreme Court Has Voted to Decriminalize Abortions, NPR, (22.12.2021) (Mexico)
- Mexico High Court Strikes Down Limit in Rape Case Abortions, AP News, (22.12.2021) (Mexico)
- Cambodia Passes New Limits on Abortion, PubMed.Gov, (22.12.2021) (Cambodia)
- Abortion Law Finally Passes South Australian Parliament in Win for Human Rights, Human Rights Law Centre, (22.12.2021)
- Victorian Current Acts, Australasian Legal Information Institute, (22.12.2021) (Australia)
- The Abortion (Northern Ireland) Regulations 2020, Legislation.Gov.UK, (22.12.2021) (Northern Ireland)
- What the Texas Abortion Ban Does, and What It Means for Others States: NPR (30.06.2022) (USA)
- Alabama doctors who perform abortions could face up to 99 years in prison – the same as rapists and murderers: CNN (30.06.2022). (USA)
- Abortion bans and penalties would vary from state to state: Politica (08/24/2022).
- What Happens When Women Get Illegal Abortions in Post-Roe America: Bloomberg (08/24/2022).
- Prosecuting Women for Self-Inducing Abortion: Counterproductive and Lacking Compassion: Guttmacher Institute (08/26/2022).
- Criminalization of Women Who Self-Induce Abortions in the United States: If When How (08/26/2022).
- Worldwide Abortion Statistics, Abort73, (22.12.2021)
- Unintended Pregnancy and Abortion Worldwide, Guttmacher Institute (22.12.2021)
- Terminate Pregnancy, South African Government, (22.12.2021) (South Africa)
- Performing Second and Third Trimester Abortions: A South African Obstetrician and Gynecologist’s Experience and Perspective, Later Abortion Initiative, 22.12.2021) (South Africa)
- World Abortion Policies 2013, United Nations, Department of Economic and Social Affairs, (22.12.2021) (UN States)
- What are the UK’s Laws on Abortion? BBC, (22.12.2021) (BBC for GB)
- Offences Against the Person Act 1861,, (22.12.2021) (GB)
- Thailand Legalizes Ealy Abortions; Pro Choice Groups Want More, Aljazeera, (22.12.2021) (Thailand)
- Thailand Legalizes Abortion in 1st Trimester, but Keeps Other Restrictions, NY Times, (22.12.2021) (Thailand)
- Thailand: Abortion in First Trimester Legalized, Library of Congress, (22.12.2021)
- Information on Abortion, Ministry of Health (Manatu Hauora), (22.12.2021)
- Crimes Act 1961, Abortion procured by person other than health practitioner, New Zealand Legislation, (22.12.2021) (New Zealand)
- History of Abortion in Ireland, IFPA, (22.12.2021)
- Legal and Non-Legal Barriers to Abortion in Ireland and the United Kingdom, Sage Journals, (22.12.2021)
- Health (Regulation of Termination of Pregnancy) Act 2019, e/ISB - Office of the Attorney General, (22.12.2021) (Republic of Ireland)
- Abortion Laws in the US – 10 Things You Need to Know, Amnesty International, (22.12.2021) (US)
- Netherlands: New Regulations on Late-Term Abortions and Terminations of Lives of Neonates, Library of Congress, (22.12.2021)
- European Committee on Crime Problems, Council of Europe, (22.12.2021) (Netherlands)
- Today’s Letter: Late-Trimester Abortions are Not Happening in Canada Without a ‘Reason’, National Post, (22.12.2021) (Canada)
- Mexico’s Supreme Court Has Voted to Decriminalize Abortions, NPR, (22.12.2021) (Mexico)
- Mexico High Court Strikes Down Limit in Rape Case Abortions, AP News, (22.12.2021) (Mexico)
- Cambodia Passes New Limits on Abortion, PubMed.Gov, (22.12.2021) (Cambodia)
- Abortion Law Finally Passes South Australian Parliament in Win for Human Rights, Human Rights Law Centre, (22.12.2021)
- Victorian Current Acts, Australasian Legal Information Institute, (22.12.2021) (Australia)
- The Abortion (Northern Ireland) Regulations 2020, Legislation.Gov.UK, (22.12.2021) (Northern Ireland)
- What the Texas Abortion Ban Does, and What It Means for Others States: NPR (30.06.2022) (USA)
- Alabama doctors who perform abortions could face up to 99 years in prison – the same as rapists and murderers: CNN (30.06.2022). (USA)
- Abortion bans and penalties would vary from state to state: Politica (08/24/2022).
- What Happens When Women Get Illegal Abortions in Post-Roe America: Bloomberg (08/24/2022).
- Prosecuting Women for Self-Inducing Abortion: Counterproductive and Lacking Compassion: Guttmacher Institute (08/26/2022).
- Criminalization of Women Who Self-Induce Abortions in the United States: If When How (08/26/2022).
- Are Women Human Beings?: Ms. Magazine (06/13/2023).
- Netherlands: New Refutation on Late-Term Abortions and Terminations of Lives of Neonates: Library of Congress (29.12.2021).
- Mexico Court Strikes Rule That Lets Doctors out of Abortions: Blomberg (29.12.2021).
- Abortion is no longer a crime in Mexico, but most women still can’t get one: New York Times (29.12.2021).
- What are the laws on abortion in Australia?: Sydney Morning Herald (29.12.2021).
- Abortion Laws by State: World Population Review (01.08.2022).
- Interactive Map: US Abortion Policies and Access After Roe: Guttmacher Institute (01.08.2022).
- Tracking the States Where Abortion Is Now Banned: The New York Times (20.09.2022).
- Mexican abortion clinics bracing for influx of Americans: KBPS (20.09.2022).
- Access at a Glance: Abortion Services in Canada: Action Canada for Sexual Health & Rights (17.11.2022).
- Our health service: When can you have an abortion (17.11. 2022).
- Information on abortion: Manatū Hauora (17.11. 2022).
- Terminate Pregnancy: South African Government (17.11. 2022).
- Abortion legislation reform and the new Termination of Pregnancy Act 2021: Government of South Australia 17.11. 2022).
- Reproductive Abuse: My CWA (09/14/2022).
- Abortion and Coercion: Society for the Protection of Unborn Children (09/14/2022).
- Calls for screenings in UK as quarter of US women subject to control or coercion over pregnancy: Independent (09/14/2022).
- Protection against coercion: Abortion Recovery Care and Helpline (09/14/2022).
- Center Against Forced Abortions (CAFA): The Justice Foundation (09/14/2022).
- What Is Reproductive Coercion? Here's Everything You Need To Know: Women's Health (09/14/2022).
- One in seven UK women forced to have either a baby or an abortion, study shows: Independent (09/14/2022).
- Reproductive Coercion and Legal Recognition: Views of Domestic Violence Support Workers and Lawyers: International Journal for Crime, Justice and Social Democracy (09/14/2022).
- Coercion Self-Screening Questionaire: Arch Trust (09/20/2022).
- Terminate Pregnancy, South African Government, (22.12.2021)
- Performing Second and Third Trimester Abortions: A South African Obstetrician and Gynecologist’s Experience and Perspective, Later Abortion Initiative, 22.12.2021)
- World Abortion Policies 2013, United Nations, Department of Economic and Social Affairs, (22.12.2021)
- What are the UK’s Laws on Abortion? BBC, (22.12.2021)
- Offences Against the Person Act 1861,, (22.12.2021)
- Thailand Legalizes Ealy Abortions; Pro Choice Groups Want More, Aljazeera, (22.12.2021)
- Thailand Legalizes Abortion in 1st Trimester, but Keeps Other Restrictions, NY Times, (22.12.2021)
- Thailand: Abortion in First Trimester Legalized, Library of Congress, (22.12.2021)
- Information on Abortion, Ministry of Health (Manatu Hauora), (22.12.2021)
- Crimes Act 1961, Abortion procured by person other than health practitioner, New Zealand Legislation, (22.12.2021)
- History of Abortion in Ireland, IFPA, (22.12.2021)
- Legal and Non-Legal Barriers to Abortion in Ireland and the United Kingdom, Sage Journals, (22.12.2021)
- Health (Regulation of Termination of Pregnancy) Act 2019, e/ISB - Office of the Attorney General, (22.12.2021)
- Abortion Laws in the US – 10 Things You Need to Know, Amnesty International, (22.12.2021)
- Netherlands: New Regualtions on Late-Term Abortions and Terminations of Lives of Neonates, Library of Congress, (22.12.2021)
- European Committee on Crime Problems, Council of Europe, (22.12.2021)
- Today’s Letter: Late-Trimester Abortions are Not Happening in Canada Without a ‘Reason’, National Post, (22.12.2021)
- Mexico’s Supreme Court Has Voted to Decriminalize Abortions, NPR, (22.12.2021)
- Mexico High Court Strikes Down Limit in Rape Case Abortions, AP News, (22.12.2021) (Mexico)
- Cambodia Passes New Limits on Abortion, PubMed.Gov, (22.12.2021) (Cambodia)
- Abortion Law Finally Passes South Australian Parliament in Win for Human Rights, Human Rights Law Centre, (22.12.2021)
- Victorian Current Acts, Australasian Legal Information Institute, (22.12.2021) (Australia) (WICHTIG)
- The Abortion (Northern Ireland) Regulations 2020, Legislation.Gov.UK,
- (22.12.2021) (Northern Ireland) (WICHTIG)
- What the Texas Abortion Ban Does, and What It Means for Others States: NPR (30.06.2022) (USA)
- Alabama doctors who perform abortions could face up to 99 years in prison – the same as rapists and murderers: CNN (30.06.2022). (USA)
- Abortion bans and penalties would vary from state to state: Politica (08/24/2022).
- What Happens When Women Get Illegal Abortions in Post-Roe America: Bloomberg (08/24/2022). ://
- Prosecuting Women for Self-Inducing Abortion: Counterproductive and Lacking Compassion: Guttmacher Institute (08/26/2022).
- Criminalization of Women Who Self-Induce Abortions in the United States: If When How (08/26/2022). file:///Users/mymac/Downloads/WGDAWCommunicationFullDraft.docx.pdf
- Fact Check-Termination of pregnancy can be necessary to save a woman’s life, experts say: Reuters Fact Check, 15.3.2022).
- Ectopic Pregnancy: March of Dimes (15.3.2022).
- Ectopic Pregnancy: Nemours Kids Health (15.3.2022).
- Heart Conditions and Pregnancy – Know the Risk: Mayo Clinic (15.3.2022).
- Kidney Disorders During Pregnancy: Merk Manual (15.3.2022)
- Lupus: Mayo Clinic (15.3.2022)
- Pregnancy and Lupus: WebMD (15.3.2022)
- Diabetes During Pregnancy: Stanford Children’s Health (15.3.2022).
- What about the life of the mother?: Feminists for Life (16.3.2022).
- Roe v. Wade: Its History and Impact: Planned Parenthood (23.2.2023)
- Abortion Can Be Medically Necessary: The American College of Obstetrics and Gynecologists (ACOG) (16.3.2022)
- Law and Policy Guide: Life Exemptions: Reproductive Rights (16.3.2022).
- Cancer During Pregnancy: Cancer Net (16.3.2022).
- Reasons US Women Have Abortions: Guttmacher Institute (29.12.2021)
- Rape and Incest Exemptions: Reproductive Rights (29.12.2021)
- Countries Where Abortion is Illegal 2021: World Population Review (30.12.2021)
- Global Abortion Policies Database: World Health Organization (WHO) (30.12.2021)
- European Abortion Laws – A Comparative Overview: Center for Reproductive Rights (29.12.2021)
- An Overview of Abortion Laws: Guttmacher Institute (30.12.2021)
- What is Statutory Rape? Women’s Law (30.12.2021)
- Forcible Rape: Justia (30.12.2021)
- Recovering from Rape and Sexual Trauma: HelpGuide (31.12.2021)
- What is the Age of Consent in the United States?: Barnett, Howard & Williams (BHW) (31.12.2021)
- Age of Consent by Country 2021: World Population Review (31.12.2021)
- Some state abortion limits allow rape, incest exceptions: AP News (26.08.2022)
- 15 states with new or impending abortion limits have no exceptions for rape, incest: Poynter (26.08.2022)
- Here's how every senator voted on proposal to ban abortion in rape cases: Indy Star (23.08.2023)
- North Dakota governor signs law banning almost all abortions: AP News (23.08.2023)
- Unintended Pregnancy and Abortion Worldwide: Guttmacher Institute (27.12.2021)
- Terminate Pregnancy: South African Government (27.12.2021)
- Performing Second and Third Trimester Abortions: A South African Obstetrician and Gynecologist’s Experience and Perspective: Later Abortion Initiative (27.12.2021)
- World Abortion Policies 2013: United Nations Department of Economic and Social Affairs (27.12.2021)
- What are the UK’s laws on abortion?: BBC (27.12.2021)
- Thailand legalizes early abortions; pro-choice groups want more: Aljazeera (27.12.2021)
- History of Abortion in Ireland: IFPA (27.12.2021)
- Abortion Laws in the US – 10 Things You Need to Know: Amnesty International (27.12.2021)
- CDC’s Abortion Surveillance System FAQs: CDC (27.12.2021)
- Abortion Surveillance – United States, 2018: CDC – Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (27.12.2021)
- Netherlands – New Regulation on Late-Term Abortions and the Termination of Lives of Neonates: Library of Congress (27.12.2021)
- Late-Trimester Abortions Are Not Happening in Canada Without a Reason: National Post (27.12.2021)
- Mexico’s Supreme Court Has Voted To Decriminalize Abortion: NPR (27.12.2021)
- Mexico high court strikes down limit in rape case abortions: AP News (27.12.2021)
- Banning Abortions in Cases of Race or Sex Selection or Fetal Anomaly: Guttmacher Institute (08/26/2022)
- Access at a Glance: Abortion Services in Canada: Action Canada for Sexual Health & Rights (11/17.2022)
- Our health service: When can you have an abortion (11/17/2022)
- Information on abortion: Manatū Hauora (11/17/2022)
- Terminate Pregnancy: South African Government (11/17/2022)
- Abortion legislation reform and the new Termination of Pregnancy Act 2021: Government of South Australia (11/17/2022)
- Abortion: health direct (11/17/2022)
- Abortion Is No Longer a Crime in Mexico. But Most Women Still Can't Get One: NY Times (11/17/2022)
- Where State Abortion Laws Stand Without Roe: U.S. News (11//17/2022)
- Criminalization of Women Who Self-Induce Abortions in the United States: If When How (26.08.2022).
- Prosecuting Women for Self-Inducing Abortion: Counterproductive and Lacking Compassion: Guttmacher Institute (26.08.2022).
- Center Against Forced Abortions (CAFA): The Justice Foundation (14.09.2022).
- Calls for screenings in UK as quarter of US women subject to control or coercion over pregnancy: Independent (14.09.2022).
- What the Texas Abortion Ban Does, and What It Means for Others States: NPR (30.06.2022).
- An Overview of Abortion Laws: Guttmacher Institute (27.12.2021).
- State Restrictions on Telehealth Abortion: KFF (14.09.2022).
- Since Roe v. Wade ended, the battle over legal abortion has largely shifted to access to pills: NY Times (03.08.2023).
- Abortion Laws by State: World Population Review (01.08.2022).
- Tracking the States Where Abortion Is Now Banned: The New York Times (20.09.2022).
- A Review of Exceptions in State Abortions Bans: Implications for the Provision of Abortion Services: KFF (13.09.2023).
- Prosecuting Women for Self-Inducing Abortion: Counterproductive and Lacking Compassion: Guttmacher Institute (26.08.2022).
- Center Against Forced Abortions (CAFA): The Justice Foundation (14.09.2022).
- Calls for screenings in UK as quarter of US women subject to control or coercion over pregnancy: Independent (14.09.2022).
- What the Texas Abortion Ban Does, and What It Means for Others States: NPR (30.06.2022).
- An Overview of Abortion Laws: Guttmacher Institute (27.12.2021).
- State Restrictions on Telehealth Abortion: KFF (14.09.2022).
- Since Roe v. Wade ended, the battle over legal abortion has largely shifted to access to pills: NY Times (03.08.2023).
- Abortion Laws by State: World Population Review (01.08.2022).
- Tracking the States Where Abortion Is Now Banned: The New York Times (20.09.2022).
- Criminalization of Women Who Self-Induce Abortions in the United States: If When How (26.08.2022).
- Abortion bans and penalties would vary from state to state: Politica (24.08.2022).
- Criminalization of Women Who Self-Induce Abortions in the United States: If When How (26.08.2022).
- Prosecuting Women for Self-Inducing Abortion: Counterproductive and Lacking Compassion: Guttmacher Institute (26.08.2022).
- Center Against Forced Abortions (CAFA): The Justice Foundation (14.09.2022).
- Calls for screenings in UK as quarter of US women subject to control or coercion over pregnancy: Independent (14.09.2022).
- What the Texas Abortion Ban Does, and What It Means for Others States: NPR (30.06.2022).
- An Overview of Abortion Laws: Guttmacher Institute (27.12.2021).
- State Restrictions on Telehealth Abortion: KFF (14.09.2022).
- Since Roe v. Wade ended, the battle over legal abortion has largely shifted to access to pills: NY Times (08.03.2023).
- Abortion Laws by State: World Population Review (01.08.2022).
- Tracking the States Where Abortion Is Now Banned: The New York Times (20.09.2022).
- Abortion bans and penalties would vary from state to state: Politica (24.08.2022).
- Criminalization of Women Who Self-Induce Abortions in the United States: If When How (26.08.2022).
- Prosecuting Women for Self-Inducing Abortion: Counterproductive and Lacking Compassion: Guttmacher Institute (26.08.2022).
- Center Against Forced Abortions (CAFA): The Justice Foundation (14.09.2022).
- Calls for screenings in UK as quarter of US women subject to control or coercion over pregnancy: Independent (14.09.2022).
- What the Texas Abortion Ban Does, and What It Means for Others States: NPR (30.06.2022).
- An Overview of Abortion Laws: Guttmacher Institute (27.12.2021).
- State Restrictions on Telehealth Abortion: KFF (14.09.2022).
- Since Roe v. Wade ended, the battle over legal abortion has largely shifted to access to pills: NY Times (03.08.2023).
- Abortion Laws by State: World Population Review (01.08.2022).
- Tracking the States Where Abortion Is Now Banned: The New York Times (20.09.2022).
- Center Against Forced Abortions (CAFA): The Justice Foundation (14.09.2022).
- Calls for screenings in UK as quarter of US women subject to control or coercion over pregnancy: Independent (14.09.2022).
- What the Texas Abortion Ban Does, and What It Means for Others States: NPR (30.06.2022).
- An Overview of Abortion Laws: Guttmacher Institute (27.12.2021).
- State Restrictions on Telehealth Abortion: KFF (14.09.2022).
- Since Roe v. Wade ended, the battle over legal abortion has largely shifted to access to pills: NY Times (03.08.2023).
- Abortion Laws by State: World Population Review (01.08.2022).
- Tracking the States Where Abortion Is Now Banned: The New York Times (20.09.2022).
- Criminalization of Women Who Self-Induce Abortions in the United States: If When How (26.08.2022).
- Criminalization of Women Who Self-Induce Abortions in the United States: If When How (26.08.2022).
- Prosecuting Women for Self-Inducing Abortion: Counterproductive and Lacking Compassion: Guttmacher Institute (26.08.2022).
- Center Against Forced Abortions (CAFA): The Justice Foundation (14.09.2022).
- Calls for screenings in UK as quarter of US women subject to control or coercion over pregnancy: Independent (14.09.2022).
- What the Texas Abortion Ban Does, and What It Means for Others States: NPR (30.06.2022).
- An Overview of Abortion Laws: Guttmacher Institute (27.12.2021).
- State Restrictions on Telehealth Abortion: KFF (14.09.2022).
- Since Roe v. Wade ended, the battle over legal abortion has largely shifted to access to pills: NY Times (03.08.2023).
- Abortion Laws by State: World Population Review (01.08.2022).
- Tracking the States Where Abortion Is Now Banned: The New York Times (20.09.2022).
- Center Against Forced Abortions (CAFA): The Justice Foundation (14.09.2022).
- Criminalization of Women Who Self-Induce Abortions in the United States: If When How (26.08.2022).
- Calls for screenings in UK as quarter of US women subject to control or coercion over pregnancy: Independent (14.09.2022).
- What the Texas Abortion Ban Does, and What It Means for Others States: NPR (30.06.2022).
- An Overview of Abortion Laws: Guttmacher Institute (27.12.2021).
- State Restrictions on Telehealth Abortion: KFF (14.09.2022).
- Since Roe v. Wade ended, the battle over legal abortion has largely shifted to access to pills: NY Times (03.08.2023).
- Abortion Laws by State: World Population Review (01.08.2022).
- Tracking the States Where Abortion Is Now Banned: The New York Times (20.09.2022).
- Prosecuting Women for Self-Inducing Abortion: Counterproductive and Lacking Compassion: Guttmacher Institute (26.08.2022).
- Center Against Forced Abortions (CAFA): The Justice Foundation (14.09.2022).
- Calls for screenings in UK as quarter of US women subject to control or coercion over pregnancy: Independent (14.09.2022).
- What the Texas Abortion Ban Does, and What It Means for Others States: NPR (30.06.2022)
- An Overview of Abortion Laws: Guttmacher Institute (27.12.2021).
- State Restrictions on Telehealth Abortion: KFF (14.09.2022).
- Since Roe v. Wade ended, the battle over legal abortion has largely shifted to access to pills: NY Times (03.08.2023).
- Abortion Laws by State: World Population Review (01.08.2022).
- Tracking the States Where Abortion Is Now Banned: The New York Times (20.09.2022).
- Criminalization of Women Who Self-Induce Abortions in the United States: If When How (08/26/2022).
- World Abortion Policies 2013, United Nations, Department of Economic and Social Affairs, (22.12.2021).
- Today’s Letter: Late-Trimester Abortions are Not Happening in Canada Without a ‘Reason’, National Post, (22.12.2021).
- Bill C-510: Parliament of Canada (28.09.2023).
- Abortion — Key Facts: World Health Organization (06/26/2023).
- The World's Abortion Laws: Center for Reproductive Rights (05/31/2023).
- Youth FAQs Health and Medical: Canadian Legal FAQs (27.12.2021).
- Second-trimester pregnancy termination: Dilation and evacuation: UpToDate (10/28/2022).
- Access at a Glance: Abortion Services in Canada: Action Canada for Sexual Health & Rights (17.11.2022).
- First-Trimester Pregnancy Termination: Medication Abortion, UpToDate (22.12.2021).
- First-trimester pregnancy termination: Uterine aspiration: (12/23/2021).
- Abortion barriers are back in spotlight following passage of abortion bans in US: CBC (28.12.2021).
- World Abortion Policies 2013, United Nations, Department of Economic and Social Affairs, (22.12.2021).
- Abortion — Key Facts: World Health Organization (26.06.2023).
- The World's Abortion Laws: Center for Reproductive Rights (31.05.2023).
- Gathering European information on abortion: Abort Report (09.10.2023).
- Second-trimester pregnancy termination: Dilation and evacuation: UpToDate (28.10.2022).
- First-Trimester Pregnancy Termination: Medication Abortion, UpToDate (22.12.2021).
- First-trimester pregnancy termination: Uterine aspiration: (23.12.2021).
- Abortion laws and policies, 2017: United Nations Department of Economic and Social Affairs (06.10.2023).
- Europe: Center for Reproductive Rights: European Abortion Law Comparative Review (10.10.2023).
- Rape and Incest Exemptions: Reproductive Rights (13.09.2023).
- Prosecuting Women for Self-Inducing Abortion: Counterproductive and Lacking Compassion: Guttmacher Institute (18.10.2023).
- Center Against Forced Abortions (CAFA): The Justice Foundation (18.10.2023).
- Calls for screenings in UK as quarter of US women subject to control or coercion over pregnancy: Independent (18.10.2023).
- Global Abortion Policies Database: World Health Organisation (22.09.2023).
Other Legal Aspects
- Even before the Dobbs ruling, more American were traveling for abortions: NPR (09.08.2022)
- Decline in NI women travelling to England and Wales for abortions: BBC (8.10.2022)
- Americans in border states are traveling to Mexico for abortion medication: NPR (09.08.2022)
- Roe v. Wade overturned: Will more Americans travel to Canada and Mexico for abortions? The Conversation (09.08.2022)
- The tyranny of distance for Australian women seeking abortion: Avant (09.08.2022)
- 10 Things You Need to Know If You're Considering traveling for an Abortion: Self (23.08.2022)
- Dilation and Curettage: Mayo Clinic (23.08.2022)
- One year on, it’s clear that the new Irish abortion services have clear lmitations: The Conversation (28.12.2021)
- European Abortion Laws – A Comparative Overview: Reproductive Rights (28.12.2021)
- Abortion – What are the waiting times: Government of South Australia (28.12.2021)
- Abortion barriers are back in spotlight following passage of abortion bans in US: CBC (28.12.2021)
- Ladies in Waiting – The timeliness of first trimester services in New Zealand (28.12.2021)
- Abortion Is Legal In South Africa, But Illegal Clinics Are Thriving. Why?: Bright Magazine (28.12.2021)
- Declaration on the guidelines for the execution of the abortion law: WHO - World Health Organization (28.12.2021)
- European Abortion Laws – A Comparative Overview: Reproductive Rights (28.12.2021)
- The Netherlands: Abort Report (28.12.2021)
- Mexico City struggles with law on abortion: NY Times (28.12.2021)
Effects of Abortion
- Women's Right to Know: Louisiana Department of Health (11.01.2023)
- Dilation and Curettage (D&C), The Mayo Clinic (22.12.2021)
- Second-trimester pregnancy termination: Induction (medication) abortion: UpToDate (31.10.2022)
- First-trimester pregnancy termination: Uterine aspiration: (23.12.2021)
- Second-trimester pregnancy termination: Dilation and evacuation: UpToDate (28.10.2022)
- Schwangerschaftsabbruch. Komplikationen: (Pregnancy Termination. Complications) AMBOSS GmbH (26.01.2023)
- Gebärmutterausschabung (Abrasio, Kürettage) (Dilation and Curettage): Frauenärzte im Netz (Gynecologists on the Web) (26.01.2023)
- Der medikamentöse Schwangerschaftsabbruch: (Medical Pregnancy Termination) Bundeszentrale für gesundheitliche Aufklärung (German Central Office for Healthcare Information) (25.01.2023)
- Mifegyne, INN-mifepristone. Risiko- und Produktinformationen (Mifeyne. Risk and Product Information): Bundesinstitut für Arzneimittel und Medizinprodukte (German Federal Institute for Medication and Medical Products) (25.01.2023) [pdf]
- Der operative (instrumentelle) Schwangerschaftsabbruch (Surgical Pregnancy Termination): Bundeszentrale für gesundheitliche Aufklärung (German Central Office for Healthcare Information) (25.01.2023)
- Überblick zu Abtreibung & Schwangerschaftsabbruch (Overview: Abortion and Pregnancy Termination): Woman & Health Krankenanstalts GmbH (25.01.2023)
Cost of an Abortion
Abortion Under 18
- Cambodia Passes New Limits on Abortion: (27.12.2021).
- Do I need my parents’ consent for an abortion? Government of Netherlands (27.12.2021).
- Everything you need to know about safe abortions in South Africa in 2020: Parent 24 (27.12.2021).
- Overview Abortion: NHS (27.12.2021).
- Unplanned Pregnancy: Citizens Information (27.12.2021).
- Global Abortion Policies Database Country Profile – Thailand: World Health Organization (WHO) (27.12.2021).
- At what age can I get an abortion?: Youth Legal Service (27.12.2021).
- Youth FAQs Health and Medical: Canadian Legal FAQs (27.12.2021).
- Abortion legalization and childbearing in Mexico: PMC US National Library of Medicine National Institutes of Health (27.12.2021).