Pregnant on NuvaRing®

Pregnant on NuvaRing®

1542442127 | Andrey_Popov |

Is it possible to get pregnant while using a vaginal ring?

  • Yes, it is possible to get pregnant despite birth control ring (Nuvaring® or Ginoring®).
  • This can happen if the hormone ring had not been stored correctly or if a mistake was made in its use.
  • This does not occur very often, but it is possible.

In this article, you will find information on why it is possible to become pregnant on a vaginal ring, the probability of this occurring, and what you can do if you find yourself in this situation.

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Pregnant with Birth-Control Ring: Probability and Causes 📈

Even though contraceptive rings are considered very effective, it is still possible to become pregnant.

Our tip: 💊 Take the test: "Should I Take the Morning-After Pill?"

Chances of Getting Pregnant Despite Nuvaring®

The Pearl Index is a statistical unit measuring contraceptive methods' reliability. Using a vaginal ring for contraception has an index rate of 0.4 - 0.65.

This means that 4-7 of 1,000 women who use vagainal rings will get pregnant within a year.

Causes of Pregnancy Despite Contraceptive Ring

  • Incorrect use: insertion of the ring at the wrong time; using the same ring for too long; positioning the ring incorrectly in the vagina; removal of the ring from the vagina for too long; loss of effectiveness through interaction with other drugs, etc.
  • Storage: storage above 86° Fahrenheit (30° Celsius) or not in the original packaging, not protected against light and moisture
  • Material defects: This can lead to the ring breaking, despite correct usage.

Fear of Being Pregnant Despite Vaginal Ring

Do you suspect you may be pregnant because you notice pregnancy-like symptoms, even though you are using a hormonal contraceptive ring? These symptoms don’t necessarily mean that you are pregnant — they could also be side effects of the vaginal ring.

Take a deep breath, and then tackle things one step at a time.

To find out whether you are pregnant, take a pregnancy test. The vaginal ring will not falsify the result.

Unplanned Pregnancy Despite Birth Control Ring — Now What?

If you are pregnant despite using a vaginal contraceptive ring, you may not know where to go from here. The unexpected news may have pulled the rug right out from under you, especially if you have already been using this method of contraception successfully for several years. Many thoughts, questions and emotions are sure to arise.

Take time for yourself! 🕰 🛋 Be kind to yourself! Take time to let the news of your pregnancy settle. Time is necessary to allow all your thoughts and feelings to surface and sort them out.

Facts About Contraceptive Hormonal Rings

What is a hormone ring? Hormone rings (aka, contraceptive rings, birth control rings, vaginal rings, estrogen rings, or simply “rings”) are small, flexible plastic rings containing hormones inserted directly into the vagina. They are part of the hormonal methods of contraception.

How many people use vaginal rings?

Worldwide, around 1.5 million women use a vaginal ring. (Medical News Today 2017) Just below 10% of sexually active adults report using a hormonal vaginal ring for contraception in the US (Center for Disease Control, 2019).

Differences between manufacturers: All contraceptive hormone rings, regardless of the manufacturer (e.g. Nuvaring®, Annovera®, Circlet®, Ginoring®, Cyclelle®, VeriAristo® and Setlona®), contain the hormones estrogen and progestin. These vaginal rings from various manufacturers differ slightly in the composition of the carrier materials and the amount of progestin and estrogen. However, the release rate of each hormone is identical.

How does a vaginal ring work?

The hormones are absorbed directly by the vaginal mucosa and thus slowly enter the bloodstream. Estrogens inhibit monthly ovulation, and progestins change the consistency of the lining of the uterus. This prevents an already fertilized egg from implanting. The hormones also thicken the mucus in the cervix to prevent the sperm from entering the uterus.

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