Know the Facts: Abortion in Arizona

Abortion in Arizona

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Is Abortion Legal in Arizona?

  • Abortions have been banned in Arizona since 04.09.2024, effective 06.08.2024.
  • In Arizona, only medically necessary abortions can be performed. Terminations are permitted when continuing the pregnancy poses a serious risk to the physical health or life of the mother.
  • Anyone aiding in an abortion may be prosecuted.

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Can You Get an Abortion in Arizona?

It is not possible to get an abortion in Arizona except in very rare cases — if the continuation of the pregnancy poses a severe risk to the mother's physical health or life. Here, abortion is permitted since pregnancy loss is not the goal; abortion is the indirect consequence of a life-saving medical procedure. This is also known as indirect abortion.

  • Telemedicine abortions are not available in Arizona.

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How Late Can You Get an Abortion in Arizona?

Arizona has had a complete ban on abortion since April 9, 2024, effective on June 8, 2024, until which a 15-week limit is in place. Still, while abortion is illegal in Arizona, medically necessary abortions are possible throughout all nine months of pregnancy.

  • The abortion pill can be used until the 10th week of pregnancy (LMP). This time-window is federally mandated for all US states because the risk of complications increases exponentially if used beyond this point.
  • Vacuum aspiration is the primary surgical abortion method used until the 16th week of pregnancy.
  • 98% of abortions after 16 weeks gestation are performed by dilation and evacuation (D&E). At this point, the fetus has become too large to be suctioned out and would have to be extracted by forceps.

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Is Abortion Illegal in Arizona?

Since abortion is banned in Arizona, it is illegal for anyone to perform an abortion outside the legal parameters. Any abortion that is not medically necessary is considered a criminal offense, whether performed by a medical doctor or a layperson.

Self-inducing an abortion without the aid of a medical provider is illegal in Arizona. This law was established with the health of women in mind. Most homemade abortion methods carry higher risks, making them unsafe. The concern for the safety of the mother is of the highest priority.

Still, no woman procuring an abortion will be prosecuted; only the person aiding in an abortion, such as a person providing medical services, funds, transportation, abortifacients, or abortion instruments, can be charged. This could result in a minimum prison sentence of 3-5 years.

Traveling to another state for an abortion is legal for an Arizona resident, but Arizona-based companies that support their employees' out-of-state abortion may be prosecuted. This state law was made to protect women from employer-coerced abortions.

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I Need an Abortion in Arizona — Now What?

Hopefully, our page addressed some of your practical questions about abortion in Arizona. Perhaps your concerns go beyond the need for information. You may have recently found out you are pregnant, bringing your heart to a standstill while your mind races on.

We are here for you as you navigate your next steps! If you are deliberating whether to have an abortion, you are invited to participate in our weeklong Decision Coaching sessions. This includes a free daily email for seven days, with thought-provoking ideas and stories of how other pregnant women have dealt with this challenging situation.

👉 Click here for more information and prompts for signing up!

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