Know the Facts: Abortion in Florida

Abortion in Florida

Mehaniq | 2217048991 |

Is Abortion Legal in Florida?

  • Abortions are legal in Florida until a fetal heartbeat can be detected (approx. 6th week of pregnancy).
  • Early abortions can be performed by surgery or medication.
  • All abortions in Florida must be administered by medical doctors.

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Can You Get an Abortion in Florida?

Since May 2024, new  parameters  have been in effect in Florida under which abortion is permitted.

Time Limit

Abortions can be obtained in the state of Florida until the fetal heartbeat becomes detectable, around the 6th week of pregnancy.

Extensions beyond six weeks are made on a case-by-case basis:

Medical Requirements

  • Only medical doctors may perform abortions in Florida.
  • A pre-abortion ultrasound is required with the option to see the images.


  • Two trips must be made to the abortion clinic: During the first visit, a mandatory counseling session takes place, followed by a 24-hour waiting period. The abortion can only be performed, or the abortion pill dispensed, after this stipulation is met.
  • Telehealth Abortions are not available in Florida.

Parental Consent

Parental consent is needed for minors pursuing an abortion in Florida.

Informed Consent

  • A pre-abortion consultation appointment is required in Florida to ensure informed consent. Advice during this mandated informational meeting may include details about the abortion procedure, pain management, fetal development, abortion alternatives, and abortion pill reversal.
  • The informed consent regulation has been implemented to protect women from forced abortions and help them make decisions corresponding to their values and intuitions.

ℹ️ For more information, go to Is Abortion Legal?

How Late Can You Get an Abortion in Florida?

Abortion is available in Florida until a fetal heartbeat can be detected via ultrasound. Usually, the fetal heartbeat becomes visible around the 6th week of pregnancy LMP. The first day of the last menstrual period, aka LMP, is considered the first day of pregnancy.
Abortion methods that can be used at this point are vacuum aspirations (surgical abortion) or the abortion pill (medical abortion).

📅 Unsure how far along you are? Use our Pregnancy Tracker to find out!

ℹ️ For more information, go to:

Is Abortion Illegal in Florida?

Abortion is illegal in Florida outside of the legal parameters.

  • Anyone performing or actively participating in an abortion that violates the requirements is committing a third-degree felony. The maximum sentence for an illegal abortion is five years in prison and a $5,000 fine.
  • Self-inducing an abortion without the aid of a medical provider is illegal in Florida. This law was established with the health of women in mind. Most homemade abortion methods carry higher risks, making them unsafe. The concern for the safety of the mother is of the highest priority.

ℹ️ For more information, go to:

I Need an Abortion in Florida — Now What?

Hopefully, our page addressed some of your practical questions about abortion in Florida. Perhaps your concerns go beyond the need for information. You may have recently found out you are pregnant, bringing your heart to a standstill while your mind races on.

We are here for you as you navigate your next steps! If you are deliberating whether to have an abortion, you are invited to participate in our weeklong Decision Coaching sessions. This includes a free daily email for seven days, with thought-provoking ideas and stories of how other pregnant women have dealt with this challenging situation.

👉 Click here for more information and prompts for signing up!

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