Taken by Surprise: Teenage Mom

Teenage Mom

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How Can I Make This Work? What Do I Need to Keep in Mind?

🙎‍♀️ Pregnant teen — am I too young for a baby? Take the Quiz

  • Becoming pregnant as a teenager can bring one’s world to a standstill and throw one’s plans into disarray. Initially, many girls are unsure about how to make things work and may also consider abortion.
  • It may also help to imagine what life as a mother could look like. Because the following questions are also on the table: How can things be worked out if I want to keep the baby? What kinds of practical support, childcare, and financial assistance are available?
  • Most countries make little or no distinction between adolescent parents and adults. Sometimes, the grandparents have guardianship of the baby until the mother turns 18. Depending on your situation, you have several options on where to live with your baby to ensure they receive the best care possible while you complete your schooling.

Pregnant Teen — Am I Too Young for a Baby? Your Self-Evaluation

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Teen Mom

You probably had not planned on becoming a mom so early in life. Many thoughts are likely running through your head in this new and unfamiliar situation, centered on the question, "How can I make this work?"

  • Do I even have the right to assume full responsibility for this baby since I am still underage? Or do my parents have guardianship?
  • Where do I live with the baby? Do I have to move out?
  • What about my education?
  • What kind of support can I apply for?

This article aims to provide you with all the information and resources you will need as a teenage parent.

Custody Rights of Minor Parents — International Overview

Your country's custody laws govern your parental responsibilities.

Find your region below to discover your custody rights as an underage parent!

Living with My Baby: What Are My Options?

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The considerations concerning your baby's care include where you and your baby will live. You have several options:

1. Living with Your Parents

Some young mothers prefer to live with their parents after the birth of their child. This is a definite possibility if you and your parents agree.

2. Living in Your Own Apartment — Alone or with the Baby's Dad

If living with your parents is not an option, e.g., because there is not enough room for all of you, you can also choose to move out. Sometimes, renting your own place requires your guardian's signature. You may also need your parents' approval before moving in with your boyfriend.

3. Housing Arranged by Social Services

If you and your parents cannot agree on a suitable place for you to live, you can contact social services. Your government office can help you find the best option for you and your baby.

If your need is immediate, you may be given a spot in a youth shelter for the first week or two until a more permanent solution can be found.

Supported living can mean one of two things:

  1. Maternity group home — You would be housed with other young moms and a social worker in a group setting
  2. Independent living — You are given an apartment where a social worker comes to check on you and provide support.

Click on your region to find living options for underage parents near you!

What about School or Job Training?

Perhaps you are already thinking about the implications of this pregnancy on your everyday life — will you be able to graduate on time? You are probably already trying to figure out what to say to your teachers and friends at school.

Your guidance counselor can help you create a learning plan that includes taking time off for the baby. Bring a friend or family member if you would rather not have this meeting alone. Usually, pregnant teens can continue attending school — with a possible baby break — and graduate.

⚠️ Your teacher or guidance counselor may not show any reaction at first, which can feel unnerving. School staff is trained to be neutral until they know how you have decided to proceed.

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Click on your region to find out schooling options for underage parents:

Childcare While You Are at School

One of your greatest concerns probably has to do with childcare. This can be crucial if you want to continue your education. After all, your degree is still important, even after having a baby.

You may have several options, depending on where you live:

Grandparents' Leave:

Some countries have regulated timeframes during which grandparents, i.e., his or your parents, can take time off work to care for their grandbaby:

Paternity Leave:

The baby's father may be able to take parental leave to take care of the baby.

Paid Childcare:

  • If you live in a maternity home or boarding school for mothers, your baby will be cared for by paid workers while you are in class.
  • You can also entrust your child to a daycare center or babysitter while you are at school or work.

⚠️ Wondering how to pay for childcare? Click on your region in the chart below.

If you find it difficult to arrange childcare or if you would prefer to stay at home with the baby, online schooling may be a solution. This would allow you to take classes while your baby sleeps.

Financial Support: What Are We Going to Live On?

As a minor, you may still be in high school or job training and not have a stable income.

ℹ️ Refer to our Financial Support page to find out what moms of any age can apply for.

Click on your region to find out whether extra support is offered to teen moms in your area:

Practical Support for Teen Moms

A baby brings a whole new set of challenges. Sometimes, the family or the baby's father are there to master them with you. Yet, this may not be the case in your situation, e.g., because your parents work full-time.

Click on your region to find out whether practical support is offered to teen moms in your area:

Where Do I Go from Here? How Do I Talk to My Parents?

Your brain is probably on information overload after reading this article! There is no need to do everything at once. Take it one step at a time!

Perhaps you are having a hard time identifying whom to confide in. You may be nervous about how they would react to your news. You may also be anxious about your parents' reaction and wonder how to tell them.

Parents usually respond more positively than expected. Here are a few tips that might help you prepare for an upcoming conversation.

We want to be there for you! Profemina specializes in providing free counseling to pregnant women in a judgment-free setting. We aim to support you as you discover the path that works for you. Why not give it a try?

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